The T-Light LCU-RGB is a “smart city” network component, which combines both streetlight control together with control and operation of an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) beacon located on the lamp post. The LCU-RGB controller sends pre-defined commands to the beacon, to show either a solid single color, alternating colors or flashing colors – each appearance indicating a different message to the population. The LCU-RGB controls its LED driver or electronic ballast to provide On/Off and dimming functionality. The LCU-RGB provides various comprehensive energy measurements, luminaire parameters and maintenances statuses; it is installed externally, utilizing a standard (twist and lock) NEMA socket.
The LCUs receive commands individually or as a group from the Data Control Unit (DCU) gateway. The commands address the beacon appearance as well as the LED lighting functionality, and can be changed as and when needed. The T-Light network is easily controlled either automatically through the web-accessed T-Light CMS system or a 3rd party management software.
This product has been installed in Denver, Colorado on our T-Light Pro network. It is meant as a means of communication by the city to the population about certain emergency situations (snow storm arriving) or other maintenance information (road-side cleaning, for instance).